.. SciDB-Py documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Jun 17 10:14:34 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. SciDB-Py Documentation ====================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 guide api Version Information ------------------- The major and minor version numbers of SciDB-Py track the major and minor version of SciDB they are compatible with. For example SciDB-Py ``16.9.1``, ``16.9.2`` or ``16.9.10`` are all compatible with SciDB ``16.9.x``. During SciDB ``16.9``, Shim (HTTP service for SciDB) transitioned from query authentication to session authentication. SciDB-Py has been updated to be compatible with the new Shim. Below is the compatibility matrix between SciDB-Py and Shim: =========== ===== SciDB-Py Shim =========== ===== ``16.9.1`` query authentication (old Shim) ``16.9.2`` query authentication (old Shim) ``16.9.10`` session authentication (new Shim) =========== ===== From ``16.9.10`` onwards only Shim with session authentication is supported. Since SciDB-Py Release **16.9.1** (released in `September 2017`) the library has been rewritten entirely from scratch. **16.9.1** and newer versions are **not compatible** with the previous versions of the library. The documentation for the previous versions is available at `SciDB-Py documentation (legacy) `_. GitHub pull requests are still accepted for the previous versions, but the code is not actively maintained. Indices and Tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`